Sparkly Jesus, hot buttered rum, and more sparkles!

A couple of people wanted to know what the super awesome white elephant present I bought was. And so I shall post a picture. Please don't be offended. It was all in good fun, and I really did buy it with a good message in mind. Christmas is all about celebrating His birthday right? What better way to do that than with a sparkly Jesus bank? Teaching remembrance and good saving habits all at the same time!

We were originally going to do a white elephant gift exchange at The COT's Christmas party. Sadly, I was informed that it was canceled due to lack of planning. But, thanks to Tony's somewhat-clever planning, everyone still got a chance to enjoy my gift. He came up with COT Trivia. Unfortunately, I did not do as well as I should have. Hillary, however, kicked some trivia ass and got to take home the fabulous prize. Good thing Whitley actually thought it was fabulous!

*Sidenote: When making hot buttered rum, find a recipe that uses less butter and make sure you don't heat it up too much. The sweetness can get way too overpowering. I also recommend using regular, light rum instead of spiced. But that probably depends on how sweet your recipe turns out.
We bought Hillary tickets to The Nutcracker for her birthday and it was AMAZING! They built completely new sets and had a brand-new ballet theatre perform. Honestly, one of the best performances I've seen, and I've seen a lot. We're definitely going back next year. And the year after.
Other than that, I've been busy with work, work and more work. I know I should be grateful for the business, because I know we will be sllllloooowwwwww in January and February, but it's hard to enjoy the season when you're in the mall everyday and not to shop. Here are some pictures of my Christmas decorations. They actually go really well with the apartment.
I probably won't be blogging until January, so until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwaanza, and may 2009 be amazingly fine!

*Can you tell I love sparkly things? That includes jewelry, if anyone needs birthday ideas!


Diane said...

I love it all!