The times, they are a changin'...

As I mentioned previously, my blog is changing. I've always thought that my life was worthy of a book deal; It's incredibly full of ridiculously crazy characters and even crazier stories. And what better place to start chronicling them all? However, in the interest of protecting the innocent and not incriminating the guilty, I'm switching it up to a more anonymous format.

Ok, so I'm just using nicknames like all the other bloggers out there, but we will pretend its an original idea. Just go with it.

Anyways, as I'm sure you all know (actually, I'm not. This is Idaho, after all. But now you will!), today is Mardis Gras. Aka Fat Tuesday. Aka the day of debauchery. I'm not Catholic, but I do know a fair amount about the holiday. And this will be the first time since 2003 that I have not actively celebrated it (I didn't technically celebrate in 2007 either, due to some complications involving JintheB tacos, too much rum, and a date with the Hannah's toilet. But, hey-there's another awesome story!). Am I sad that I'm not hitting the town tonight? Yes and no.

Yes, because it truly is one of the best nights to go out in Boise. It's a Tuesday, you get to wear fun necklaces (none of which I have ever earned in public, just for the record), and you get to watch stupid people doing stupid things on an even more ridiculous level than usual!

And no, because I'm just too damn tired. There is no way that I can pull off the dancing-until-2-taking-a-quick-slumber-back-at-work-by 9 thing anymore! I didn't even make it past 12:30 last year!

No worries, though. Partner-in-Crime (first nickname! Exciting!) and I did pass on the torch last year to our younger friends. Hopefully, they will continue on with the tradition.

Besides, without The Roommate and The Hot One here to cause trouble, its lost some of its appeal.

The year was 2004. It was The Roommate and The Hot One's second year out on the town, and my first official one. We came with separate people, but planned on meeting up later on.

Just an FYI-the city of Boise has an awesome downtown scene, with the majority of the hot bars located all in one 3-block radius. On Mardi Gras, they shut the whole street down, essentially turning it into one giant party for people of all ages.

Anyways, it was around the time we were supposed to meet up with everyone. As I turned the corner, I saw an enormous group of guys all huddled together. Jokingly, I told The Artiste that I bet I knew who was in the center of that huddle. Lo and behold, I was right. The Roommate and her friend were the stars of that particular show, and The Hot One was close by.

Another sidenote: The Roommate used to have a wild side. A very wild side. She has since calmed down immensely. Deep down, though, Mardi Gras will always be her holiday!

After the huddle dispersed, the night went on. And into history. It was the night The Roommate tried yet again to seduce The Player, despite The Player's girlfriend being just steps ahead of them as we all walked down the street. It was the night Pita Pit started locking their bathroom door because drunk people forget how to pee right. And it was just the first of many stories yet to come! Unfortunately, there won't be any new ones made tonight. Unless my inner 21-year old decides to make an appearance. You just never know...