Sparkly Jesus, hot buttered rum, and more sparkles!

A couple of people wanted to know what the super awesome white elephant present I bought was. And so I shall post a picture. Please don't be offended. It was all in good fun, and I really did buy it with a good message in mind. Christmas is all about celebrating His birthday right? What better way to do that than with a sparkly Jesus bank? Teaching remembrance and good saving habits all at the same time!

We were originally going to do a white elephant gift exchange at The COT's Christmas party. Sadly, I was informed that it was canceled due to lack of planning. But, thanks to Tony's somewhat-clever planning, everyone still got a chance to enjoy my gift. He came up with COT Trivia. Unfortunately, I did not do as well as I should have. Hillary, however, kicked some trivia ass and got to take home the fabulous prize. Good thing Whitley actually thought it was fabulous!

*Sidenote: When making hot buttered rum, find a recipe that uses less butter and make sure you don't heat it up too much. The sweetness can get way too overpowering. I also recommend using regular, light rum instead of spiced. But that probably depends on how sweet your recipe turns out.
We bought Hillary tickets to The Nutcracker for her birthday and it was AMAZING! They built completely new sets and had a brand-new ballet theatre perform. Honestly, one of the best performances I've seen, and I've seen a lot. We're definitely going back next year. And the year after.
Other than that, I've been busy with work, work and more work. I know I should be grateful for the business, because I know we will be sllllloooowwwwww in January and February, but it's hard to enjoy the season when you're in the mall everyday and not to shop. Here are some pictures of my Christmas decorations. They actually go really well with the apartment.
I probably won't be blogging until January, so until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwaanza, and may 2009 be amazingly fine!

*Can you tell I love sparkly things? That includes jewelry, if anyone needs birthday ideas!

One of those days...

Today has actually been a really good day. I woke up to some amazing snow, got so much done at work (which is actually working out really well, despite the fact that I am now officially a commuter), and ate some really delicious food (food is always a good thing.) And yet I still just feel kind of melancholic. Not sad, per say. Just kind of like I want to curl up in bed with a really good, really sad book. Unfortunately, I just read the 7th Harry Potter book not too long ago and I don't think Wicked is going to cut it.

Thank goodness for Love Actually. A happy-sad-Christmas movie all in one.

I can't wait to go home for Christmas. Even if it is just for 36 hours.

The most wonderful time of the year...

So far this year, I haven't really gotten into the Christmas spirit. I still feel like it's just barely time for Thanksgiving. But tonight, when I was decorating my room (pictures to come soon), I watched The Santa Claus and that definitely helped. And with a 50% chance of snow, a C.O.T Christmas party, and The Nutcracker all this weekend, I should be good to go by next week. But just to make sure, here are some of my favorite Christmassy things.
*The French definitely know how to celebrate Christmas. When I was in Paris last November visiting my sister, we went shopping at the Lafayette Galleries. Seven floors consisting of designer clothes, designer shoes, awesome accessories, and the best Christmas decorations ever and my favorite thing to do was just look at the gigantic Christmas tree in the center. I was literally mesmerized by it.

(These are the pictures I took last year. The white cord things are actually lights that zoomed across the ceiling in a falling star-ish kind of way!)

(These are pictures of the tree this year.)

*Snow. It's not Christmas without it.

*I usually just sleep in shorts and a tshirt, but at Christmas, even I like to sport a pair of matching pajamas. My latest ones are red and have dogs on them. My sister has the same pair. I know you are jealous.

*I truly love the idea of Santa Claus and in some ways, I definitely still believe in him. Just like Judy the elf in The Santa Claus says: "Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing." And so I choose to believe. And whether he appears in the form of a Christmas miracle or just lives in the heart of any child or child-at-heart, life is always a little more fun when you believe in magic.
In case I don't get to say it in time, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Chrismuka, and Happy Holidays!

A new blog...

I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life. Like eating real Chinese food in China. And sometimes, when I think of things I need to do in my lifetime, I forget to write them down.

Problem solved.

Give me more ideas. I'm not very adventurous, but who knows? I do need a New Year's resolution.

Bon Anniversaire Diane!

*Just a little sidenote-I did actually write this on Diane's actual day of birth, but apparently I saved it instead of publishing it! But better late than never, I suppose! And do not worry Diane-I am ready to party it up on Saturday!

Happy Birthday to Diane, one of the craziest and most wonderful people ever. A few things I especially love:
1. How you used to wear tights with shorts. I especially miss the neon green ones!
2. How you gave me a Spongebob pillowcase and how I still sleep with it!
3. How you are literally THE BEST Guitar Hero player I know.
4. How you force me to branch out of my food comfort zones, no matter how much I resist.
5. How you literally help me plan and sort out my entire life. I would be nowhere without you!

Here's to 25 more years and more after that!