Workin' out, weddings, and wings...

I finally sucked it up and made my way back to the gym today. And it was not fun. But is the gym ever really fun? As I was sweatin' it out, listening to some sweet tunes, a couple thoughts came to mind and I thought I would share with you. I know you're excited!

There was this man. He was wearing a rainbow-striped jacket. It was manly rainbow striped, mind you, but it was still RAINBOW STRIPED. Needless to say, I was jealous. And if I could have snuck my way into the men's locker room and stolen it, I would have.

(The rainbow jacket also made me think about my awesome Rainbow Bright halloween costume. And how pissed I was when two other girls were wearing the same costume downtown. Except they were lazy and bought their costume, unlike myself. But I digress...)

There was this other man. He was in front of me, and he was spinning like no other. He was also sweating like no other. We're talking dripping buckets of water. All over the bike. All over the floor. It was gross. So gross I had to focus on the woman running on the treadmill behind me who was making shooshing noises as she was breathing. How am I supposed to concentrate on not falling off the elliptical with these two?

My last thought involved the girl at reception desk. Wearing three-inch heels. Hi, you work at a gym. A smelly, sweaty, swooshy gym. Why are you dressed up? Why is any of the staff dressed up? Hell, the trainer wearing new pants is too dressed up if you ask me. I get the whole "being professional" thing, but at a gym? I think as long as you don't smell and don't drip sweat on me, then we're good to go!

But enough about the gym. Without the crazies there to entertain me/gross me out, what's the point of going? Oh. Right. Working out. I suppose that's a good point. And as time is ticking in the COT weight loss challenge, I should probably make the gym my new best friend.

In other news, wedding season has officially begun. I got the chance to celebrate the nuptials of Ben and Raylene on Saturday. It was definitely a weird experience being in the audience. But quite an enjoyable one. Instead of worrying about being watched, I got to do the watching! And there were some very HOT firemen to watch! And some funny, drunken dancing. And The Teacher was a bridesmaid and she did a beautiful job. Favorite part? Besides the cake, you mean? Loved her dress and I loved the fact that they got to ride around in an old school fire truck. Very romantic! I have more thoughts of weddings, but I'll save them for another post.

Because I want to talk about wings! Buffalo wings, to be exact. Select members of the COT and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings yesterday and I'm in love. Not only with the wings (honey bbq style) and the fries, but with TRIVIA! I know I posted about trivia before, but can I just say how much I love it? Random, useless facts combined with my really good knack for guessing equals the best time ever! So who wants to go?

Why not having cable is awesome...

1. I wouldn't have gotten to spend my Sunday night vaccuuming out the heater grate in my kitchen. Or mop my floor with washcloths on my feet (old school style!).

2. I never would have gotten the chance to watch the tv show Legend of The Seeker. Let me tell you, it is some of the best acting I have seen in a while. How do I describe it? It's Harry Potter meets Walker, Texas Ranger, with a little Xena, Warrior Princess and LoTR thrown in. I can't believe I was able to tear myself away from it to even write this blog!

3. It gave me a chance to re-bond with my movies. I'd forgotten just how good She's the Man, Love Actually, and The Goonies really are (I'm kind of serious about this one!).

I know everyone reading this is truly enthralled, but really-I need cable! That will hopefully happen soon.

Before I go any further, there is one very important cast member that needs introducing. I could never forget about The Teacher (her nickname needs some work, but I'm not very creative at the moment), but it had been a while since I'd talked to her, and so she wasn't in my daily thoughts. But she is most definitely a very important character in my life. And she is in town for the next little while and I am very happy about that. Her good friend (and mine now, thanks to her!) is getting married next Saturday and her bachelorette party was last night. Apparently, Mulligans and 10th Street Station don't get a lot of bachelorette parties. Or know what a Scooby Snack is. Eventually, we ended up at the more group-friendly bars, and they were packed. Spring Break will do that, I guess. Too bad I don't still get a Spring Break. I could use one!

It was fun, and I'm excited for the wedding next week. Still don't know who I'm taking as my date. Any takers?

I feel like doing an Irish jig...

...And then kicking someone in the face.

Didn't expect that, did you?

I don't know what it is, but I'm sick of people. Actually, I do know what it is. I'm sick of people who judge everyone else. I'm sick of people who take advantage of everyone else, myself included. I'm sick of trying to do nice things for people, only to have them go unnoticed and unappreciated. Whatever happened to just saying thank you?

I know I said yesterday that I was ready to move. And I'm so there again. I'm ready for the next chapter in my life, for new people and new adventures. At this point, I'm not even worried about having to move all by myself. Security blankets are fucking over-rated. Moving won't happen anywhere in the new future, but if an opportunity presented itself, I wouldn't think twice.

And now I'm sick of being grouchy. So instead I'm going to focus on having a good night with The Artiste. She deserves it and so do I.

But if I see someone not wearing green, I'm totally going to pinch them.

Days like these...

First, I have to make some changes to the cast list. From here on out:
The Vandal is now QS.
The Golfer is now The Pro (he is lucky he gets this name, since he picked it out. And it is true, he is The Pro. At procrastinating, whining, ordering expensive food, and not being successful at anything having to do with water).

And together, they are starting a blog (thanks to me!). It should be a funny one. But we will see.

Anyways, blacklight golfing was fun, Tucanos (the new Brazilian grill) is lame because it is closed on Sundays, BFF makes damn good cupcakes, and the boys tried to teach us this new game called Pyramid, which is actually just Egyptian Rat Screw. I was definitely off my game last night and sucked it up. There's always next time, though.

Today pretty much sucked. I woke up late (as usual), work sucked, I had the worst headache, and had to use M2J2 and PIC's computer to do some lame work shit. Whoever thought that working 50 hours but only getting paid for 40 hours was a good idea was a complete asshole. I will find ways to make up for it though. Its just the way of the world.

The dog is currently trying to chew through the box and get her toy out. What an awesomely mean game! M2J2 is pretty much an awesomely mean person though.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and apparently The Artiste and I have a new tradition. She just had TAD in January and is fully ready to celebrate. Just like we did last year. So it is kind of like her one holiday out a year. We will see what happens!

I still need to add new cast members. But I'm tired and still grouchy. So suck it.

Weekend Update

So far, my weekend has been pretty uneventful. Went to bed early last night, worked today, and then I got to see Miss R (my cousin from IF) at her gymnastics competition! Despite the fact that it lasted approximately 3 hours longer than it should have, it was a good time! She can flip with the best of them. I am always amazed at the thighs gymnasts have. How do they find pants that fit both their waist and thighs? I would probably just wear a lot of skirts.

But enough about thighs! Tomorrow I get to mini-golf it up in honor of The Golfer's birthday. I'm sure I will dominate (unless any of the holes have a raised cup. Anybody know what I'm talking about? They get me every time.), but in case I don't, at least there will be cake! That wraps this installment up, with the exception of this...

M2J2, this rap is just for you.
You've got a cute dog and a very cool wife,
But living in Boise is causing you some strife.
Take my advice and live and let be,
Because without this town, you wouldn't have met me!

Heeyyy! Who's a rapper now?

Grandma Wava Day makes everything better.

I know I've written about this, one of the holiest of days, before. But I have once again realized just how powerful it truly is. Any problems you may have get erased by french toast, bacon, doughbellies, tater tots, salmon patties, trampolines, and ping pong. If only there was a way to ensure that I could be there on Thursday nights and back to reality by Friday morning...

In other news, I am suffering from my yearly case of laryngitis. Not bad, just very quiet. And it did make me miss out on an awesome night with Houston Calls, but no regrets. I blame the po-lice for that entirely!

Speaking of the po-lice, did I ever tell you about the time we* got pulled over twice in the same day? Oregon cops are assholes. End of story**.

Not really, but I'm tired. Stay tuned!


*When I say we, I mean The Artiste and her sister in one car, and The Hot One, The Roommate, and I in another car.

**When I do tell this story, make sure I mention The Rapist, The Murderer, and the field of razorblades. Seriously.

The keeps chasing me!

I know I mentioned my inner 21-year old before. And in the past few weeks, its definitely made itself known!

I blame tequila. And all the birthday parties.

Tequila and I don't have much of a history. Mostly because of 'Tequila Popper' night. Tequila poppers are basically one of the most dangerous concoctions known to man kind. Who knew that Sprite could play a part in that either? Anyways, the night involved cartwheels, backyard races, and did not end as well as it started, to say the least. And since then, tequila and my pasts' have not crossed. (That night took place during sophomore year, so we're talking a good 5 years or so.)

And then The Vandal had to go and have a birthday. And Mr. Jose Cuervo was a guest at said birthday. And we hung out. It wasn't as bad as TP night, that is for sure. But I definitely had too much fun and spent too much money. It was kind of worth it, though, to see the boys take those girly, whipped-cream shots!

And then Boy Roommate had a birthday too. And somehow, I found myself dancing the night away at Hannahs with some long lost Old Navy friends. Tequila wasn't involved, however, and it was quite entertaining trying to drag Boy Roommate off the dance floor. Who knew he would start an impromptu break-dance contest with some crazy girl? And who knew he'd try to have a dance party in the living room with himself later on?

All in all, being 21 definitely wears a 25-year old down. Good thing I had a nice, uneventful weekend! Tomorrow, it's back to the grind, but with some spice thrown in. I don't think I mentioned it before, but Partner-in-Crime somehow managed to talk the band Houston Calls into stopping over in Boise and playing a house show before they head to SLC for their real tour. It will be interesting, to say the least!
Know what I'm saying?

Fixed it. It was the lug nut...

Alas, I had to dispose of my beautiful Asian flower blog template and go back to a regular one. But, I decided that comments are more exciting for me than what my blog looks like, especially because I never look at my own blog.

Anyways, I've had a very busy day, complete with a GIGANTIC meal from P.F. Changs (Thanks LifeCoach!). I am still in the last phases of a food coma, and as it has now started to rain, I think a nap is in definite order!

I'm sure work will be slow tomorrow, so stay tuned. I'll think of something interesting to say!

The characters in my life...

First of all, I am aware that no one can post comments on my blog. I guess that's what I get for trying to be fancy. I'm working on fixing it, but without a real computer, it's a little challenging.

Second, after being yelled at twice, I decided that today is the day I post the cast list of the story that is my life. I'm starting slowly, with just the people that were afore- mentioned and the people who play a daily part.

Introducing Partner-In-Crime (aka PIC): Met her at Old Navy a mere three or so years ago, but it feels like I grew up with her. When we're together, our IQ's drop considerably, but the FQ (Fun Quotient) basically doubles! She's married to M2-J2, has the best little dog ever, is obsessed with crafting, and I can always count on her to eat french fries with me, dance (almost) all night long, and pick my drunk ass up (unless it's too far away. Bitch!).

M2-J2: Married to PIC, loves Star Wars, and has a film degree from UofA, hates Boise and basically belongs somewhere in the music industry. Loves Guitar Hero. Scared me when I first met him, but now he's awesome! Just don't ever try and use one of his brand-new toothbrushes. You'll hear about it for years to come!

The BFF: Best friends since junior high, basically like a second sister and now my second mom! Married to The Golfer, actual mother to Princess Ballerina, and co-founder of The Circle of Trust (see below). Wouldn't know what to do without her! I think I will always have to live in the same town as her. Otherwise, I'd go crazy.

LifeCoach (LC. NOT too ever be confused with that girl from that show that my LC would never voluntarily watch.): Met our freshman year of college, bonded over her love of Gap hoodies and my employee discount. Only person on our floor that actually did well that first semester. She loves eggplants, Anthropologie, and shopping. I totally predicted her marriage and it came true shortly after. Had the best Bully ever and now the best Bruce ever. Should basically become a real life LifeCoach, as she has helped me find and led me down the right path numerous times. When we are old, we are starting a Ladies who Lunch club.

The Roommate: Lived with her all four years of college. Didn't always get along. Bonded for life our senior year all because of a brand new couch. Currently lives in South Dakota and is getting married in August.

The Hot One: Lived together freshman and sophomore year. She got smokin' hot somewhere in between sophomore and junior year. Hates it when you show pictures of her freshman year! Loves football, basketball, and horses. Currently lives in PTown and doesn't visit me nearly as often as she should!

The Artiste: Grew up with The Hot One, definitely intimidated me when we first met. Married to The Backbreaker, mother to DAD and TED. Loved the outdoors, loves to paint (although she hasn't had much time for it lately!). Throws sweet parties. Will always remember her for 'rocking the Winnie' and for getting lost downtown.

The Circle of Trust: Founded by the BFF and the Golfer. Is a very exclusive, high-class group that has extreme membership standards. Must be born into or unanimously voted into, and you must be willing to travel, eat out a lot, and suffer through the boys' basketball games. Basically my second family! Other members include:
Princess Ballerina
The Doctor
Swoobs (not an official nickname, as she hates it. Once birthday present is received, it will be reviewed.)
The Vandal
The Range Boy

Other minor, but just as important players:
The Lifer-only person I know who still works at Old Navy. Awesome bowler, married to The Cowboy, lives too far away to hang out regularly.
The Boy Roommate-current roommate, met at Old Navy. Birthday is Tuesday. Party is Saturday!
The Cheer King-former employee at BCBG. He still works there, coaches cheer on the side, and is working on his cosmetology degree. Just turned 21. Crazy fun!

I'm sure I forgot people. But that is what updates are for! As for me, time to actually start working! A real update will come soon!