This is what happens when you take a nap at 7:00. PM.
Hi, my name is:
Emily Jean Poitevin
Never in my life have I been to:
Greece. Hopefully very soon!
I hate it when:
I am all ready to go to the gym, and when I grab my IPod, I realize it's dead.Who can go to the gym without an IPod?
The one person who can drive me nuts is:
My sister. We are absolute opposites!
When I'm nervous:
I bite my nails and cross the fingers on my left hand.
The last song I listened to was:
The ending credit song of Superbad. Something about McLovin.
If I were to get married right now my best man/ maid of honor would be:
Hillary Dawn Kelsch Kavran
My hair is:
Usually in a ponytail because I am too lazy to drag my ass out of bed early enough to do anything with it.
When I was 5 I was:
Living an awesome life and rollin' on a pink bike with my neighbors.
Last Christmas:
Was snowy and blowy and beautiful.
I should be:
Sleeping, I suppose.
When I look down I see:
The keyboard.
The happiest recent event was:
My birthday celebration week! My sister, dinner at Sakana, and an awesome extravaganza.
My current annoyance is:
A certain fellow employee.
I have a hard time understanding:
Myself and what I want out of life.
There's this girl that i know:
That is a pathetic excuse for a human being.
The thing I want to buy is:
A new computer and a tropical vacation.
If you visited the place I'm from:
You would be in Idaho Falls. It has a bad reputation (for being boring and extremely conservative), but if you know the right people, you're in for a rockin' good time.
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
Be in an avalanche? Nothing really good came to mind.
Most recent thing I've bought myself was:
A chicken quesadilla.
Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
Dinner at Applebees. Tony is lucky that I am such a good friend and so smart!
My middle name is:
Jean. The same as my grandma's. And Emily is my other grandma's middle name. Love that!
In the morning:
I do not function well before 10:00 am. At all.
Last night I was:
Harassed by Brittany WashJones putting up ridiculous pictures of me on Facebook.
If I was an animal Id be:
An otter. One that lived in a zoo. I would lay on my sunny rock all day and swim whenever I wanted and do tricks for people I thought were cool.
Tomorrow I am:
Volunteering, dog-sitting, doing laundry, ROCKBAND!, dinner with the fam, and then basketball statistics.
Tonight I am:
Watching Friends and doing this. I lead such an exciting life.

This is one of my current favorite photos, via A Cup of Jo.